With just three days left until the voting period ended, Kyrie Irving had a 32,285 vote lead on Kyle Lowry for the final guard spot in the 2016 NBA All-Star Game in Toronto. It looked like Irving might be able to squeeze out the victory out and start in the All-Star Game.

Final All Star Returns On January 15th.

1. Dwyane Wade (Mia) 736,732
2. Kyrie Irving (Cle) 399,757
3. Kyle Lowry (Tor) 367,472
4. Jimmy Butler (Chi) 356,561
5. John Wall (Was) 281,936

RELATED: John Wall Takes Shot At Kyrie Irving And All Star Voting Process

Unfortunately, Lowry beat out Irving by 65,790 votes in the final three days, and it’s worth noting that voting had just about closed by the time the Cavs were blown out by the Warriors on Monday night.

NBA All Star Final Results on January 18th.

1. Dwyane Wade (Mia) 941,466
2. Kyle Lowry (Tor) 646,441
3. Kyrie Irving (Cle) 580,651
4. Jimmy Butler (Chi) 564,637
5. DeMar DeRozan (Tor) 444,868

You might wonder how there was a nearly 100,000 vote turnaround (98,075 votes to be exact). After all, voting started on December 10, 2015, and ended on January 18, 2016 and Lowry, who accumulated 367,472 votes in the first 35 days (Dec. 10 – Jan 14), somehow came up with 278,969 votes in the final four days (Jan. 15 – Jan 18).

Irving has played pretty well coming off of an injury that ended his previous season, and was getting his rhythm back as the Cavs finish the first half of their season. Lowry has been playing consistently well leading his team into second place in the Eastern Conference. This may come off as a little bitter, which is okay, because we really wanted to see Uncle Drew in the All-Star Game.

Now, votes from celebrities and influential personalities like Drake or Justin Bieber, who are both Canadian, are awesome because people just use their influence to get people to vote. This, however, is just unfair…

So added together, that’s about 85,000 votes. Regardless of who deserved it more, what do you guys think?