Throughout his career, LeBron James has managed to stay away from involving himself in on-court altercations. It’s normal for him to get hit here and there, akin to how Shaquille O’Neal experienced back in his playing days, being the physical specimen that he is.

But there’s always a first time for everything.

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In the Cleveland Cavaliers’ disheartening Game 4 loss to the Golden State Warriors at the Quicken Loans Arena, James got entangled with Draymond Green in the fourth quarter which resulted in a heated exchange of pleasantries between the two.

After the game, LeBron James sounded off on that particular situation and possible implications in the near future of Green’s antic.

Green has been on the hotseat, as far as social media goes, after being caught, multiple times, performing non-basketball plays in certain situations. But for some reasons, the league office sees differently.

RELATED: VIDEO: Did Draymond Green Get Away With Another Groin Hit, This Time On LeBron James?

As a basketball fan, we always want to see the best competition possible. So, having Draymond Green active and doing what he does best is always a treat. But when his “habits”, regardless of having ill intents or none, are starting to take away from the beauty of the game, setting a bad example for aspiring players, and compromising his fellow players’ safety, there has to be some sort of action done.