We’ve all heard about the past heated exchanges between LeBron James and Joakim Noah in the past. Whether James was in Cleveland or in Miami, there is seemingly a confrontation between the two during one of the four regular season meetings.

If you haven’t heard, here’s the link you’ll need to see to catch up:

RELATED: 10 Fiery Moments In The LeBron James-Joakim Noah Feud

Thomas Ondrey | Plain Dealer

Thomas Ondrey | Plain Dealer

On Friday night, Game 3 of the Cavs-Bulls second round matchup started out with a lot of physicality as both teams were chipping away at the other offensively and defensively.

With around 8:34 left in the third quarter, LeBron James had what would’ve been the highlight of the night. That is, had Derrick Rose not luckily banked in a game-winning three-pointer at the buzzer. The play we’re talking about, however, is the LeBron James poster-dunk on rival Joakim Noah early in the third quarter that has since gone viral. James said that Noah had been trash talking prior to this play. Only difference is, Noah apparently crossed the line. Instead of taking it out on Noah and possibly hurting his team, James did what he does best: attack the rim and finish strong.

Here’s the play:

James received the initial technical foul for taunting and jawing at Noah, before Noah began to talk smack right back and earned a technical himself. According to Chris Haynes of NEOMG, James says that Noah was being very disrespectful.

Andrew Keh, NBA reporter for the New York Times, reported some more on that incident.

After the game, however, Noah denied showing any disrespect towards James.