They say life isn’t fair, but still, one can’t have it all.

Elite athleticism and immense strength. A precious collection of hardware topped by NBA championship rings, Most Valuable Player trophies, and Olympic Gold Medals. A stacked resume boasting of a myriad of individual awards. Numerous entries in the league record book. Multiple business investments and charities. A lifetime deal with a giant brand. A beautiful family.

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If you’re LeBron James, what else can you ask for? Well, J.R. Smith helped point out the obvious in a GQ interview with David Friedman.

I tell him you can’t have everything. I tell him all the time: You can’t have it all! You have to give up one thing, and it just so happened it’s your hair. If someone told me I’m gonna give you $600 million but I’m going to take your hair? Take my hair!

Seems like James is slowly being picked apart by the undefeated one, Father Time, starting with his hairline. But give me, or everyone else, that kind of a trade off and we’ll be thankful for the rest of our lives.

With everything that the basketball icon from Akron, Ohio has to tend to, I’m pretty sure his hair is not at the top of the list.