Cleveland Cavaliers All-Star Kevin Love has been making appearances on various television shows over the past few days. On Wednesday night, the former UCLA stand-out joined Katie Nolan on ESPN’s Always Late. The two began taking calls from viewers at one point in the show, which led to a hilarious conversation about “sliding into DM’s.”

“Mark from Virginia” called the show to seek a bit of relationship advice from Love and Nolan.

“Sliding into DM’s… Is it legitimately a viable way to start a conversation, spark a relationship?” Mark asked Kevin Love and Nolan, who immediately began laughing to themselves. “There is a bit of a stigma attached to it due to how it can be abused. What are your thoughts, and do you have any tips or suggestions on how to smoothly and successfully slide into someone’s DM’s?”

Nolan took a big sip from her coffee mug, flashed Love a curious look, and waited for him to respond.

“Yeah… sliding into DM’s… how old is this guy?” Love asked. “Sliding into DM’s? I feel like past a certain age or past a certain demographic, you shouldn’t be sliding into DM’s.”

“What age would you say is the cut-off?” Nolan playfully asked Love.

“I think as time goes on, you should probably slide less into DM’s,” Love said with a more serious tone.

So, to all would-be sliders, just remember the advice given from K-Love. Or, if you’re an NFL fan, you could go with Herm Edwards’ motto: “Don’t press send!”