LeBron James was recently spotted at Notre Dame High School, a private school in Los Angeles. With rumors of James possibly leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Los Angeles Lakers next summer and his 13-year-old son, LeBron Jr., about to enter high school, it wasn’t surprising that some people tried to connect the dots and thought this was yet another hint that James was, in fact, heading west.

But maybe LeBron James was just there looking for a place to hoop.

James posted a video on his Uninterrupted Twitter account giving a special shout out to Notre Dame for allowing him to stop by and work out at their gym after he spent the day shooting commercials. Some lucky students of the school were able to sit in and watch his workout, and James said he hoped he inspired them.

While it may be true that James did use the school’s facilities to put some time in on the court as the start of training camp looms, it doesn’t completely disprove the theory that James may have had other reasons for going there. Either way, no one can be completely sure just yet.

What is certain is that those lucky kids who were able to witness firsthand the greatness of LeBron James on their own gym will have a fun story to tell for the rest of their lives.