The Cavs shooting guards have had a great season thus far. In the NBA Finals however, the guards have been struggling shooting, especially one named J.R. Smith. Smith however, will try to get it going in the pivotal Game 5. We look at 10 things you might not know about the Cavs’ latest 6th Man. Start the gallery on the next page!
10. No thanks, UNC
J.R. Smith was one of the last prep-to-pro players, going straight from high school to the NBA. The offers were there for him though if he chose. Instead of going to UNC for a year, J.R. chose to go directly to the pros, in which he was selected 16th overall for the New Orleans Hornets.
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9. Three Quarters of Domination
In a game of high school basketball, J.R. outscored the opposing team by himself, in three quarters. When his coach pulled him from the game at the end of the third, he apparently wasn’t happy and wanted to stay out there longer. I guess there’s no quit in this guy, or mercy.
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8. Melo and CP3 are his Children’s Godfathers
It’s well documented that Carmelo Anthony and JR Smith have been best buddies for quite some time now, playing together in both Denver and New York, so that part makes sense. J.R. was drafted to the New Orleans Hornets in 2005 and played just one season alongside Chris Paul, I guess they were really really really close in that one season.
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7. My First Tattoo
70% of his body is covered in ink, but which one was his first? Himself. His first tattoo was himself dunking a basketball. There’s self-confidence, and then there’s this:

Hoops Vibe
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6. Received Full Football Scholarship from Clemson
The offer was made solely on J.R.’s game tape. He had that level of ability. But once he transferred to St. Benedict’s prep to repeat junior year, he dropped football altogether. Given his father’s history as a former college and semipro basketball player, it’s no surprise that J.R. followed in his father’s footsteps.
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5. 60 in China, off the Bench
There’s never been any doubt in J.R.’s ability to shoot the ball, but 60 points off the bench?! Who was guarding him? Clearly nobody.
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4. Brotherly Love
When J.R. signed for the Knicks after the lockout in 2012, he was a packaged deal. He would sign, if the Knicks signed his brother, Chris. Chris played a total 2 career NBA minutes, and was paid a whopping $2 million to do so.

Jennifer Pottheiser | Getty Images
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3. My Name is Earl
After J.R. was convicted in a reckless driving case that killed his best friend, he tried to find the reset button. He’d gone by J.R.—which stands for “Junior” as his real name is Earl Thomas III— basically his entire life. J.R. wanted to be known as Earl, but that didn’t last long.
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2. 5 Position Footballer
J.R. has always been super athletic, and was so good at the high school football level he would play any position in which he could affect the game. He was know to play quarter back, wide receiver, corner back, line backer and safety.
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1. One of his Favorite Albums in the Juno Soundtrack
Yes, you read that right. This definitely warrants a search and seizure of his iPod. For a guy who’s notorious for his expertise in golf, classy music isn’t a classy overreach.