No champion wins without a story, and between LeBron James’ three fairytales are narratives all too bleak and painful to remember. But now, after 12 years of writing, James’ career continuously overlaps, raising questions that force us to think about greatness in countless ways. His time with Miami spawned four years of contention. The following two years, James found himself in Cleveland with moments tension and redemption. Imagine, those two Kings colliding. SB Nation did!

While LeBron played his prime in Miami, he played his glory days back home. With championship capacity after four years of title-chasing with friends, he learned more about himself than what millions of fans and critics ever gathered and put it together into aa six-year proven formula.

LeBron James averaged about 27 points, seven rebounds and seven assists in his time with Miami. That LeBron organized a younger and offensively-oriented roster in Cleveland, where he scored wittingly and continued his well-rounded rebounding and pass game. Leading all Finals teams in points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks in two seasons show the James in Miami that age was in fact just another number.

Who would you take? Trick question!