Cleveland Cavaliers star forward LeBron James may be one of the best, if not the best, basketball players to have ever existed. Inside the court, he is a fierce competitor who always strives for greatness. Outside of it, the Cavs forward is a loving husband and a proud father to his three children.

The former four-time NBA MVP and his wife, Savannah, recently spoke with Vogue‘s Robert Sullivan, where they shared some parenting tips and how they deal with their kids as they grow up. They also confirmed that they do not base their parenting on some books that have been published.

With their own kids, LeBron singles out his wife. “We have a system, and it works very well for our family. And like I always say, there’s no library . . . there’s no philosopher——”

“No book!” says Savannah, laughing.

“No book that can tell you about parenthood,” LeBron continues. “Even your mom, your dad, your grandparents—they can give you pointers, but you have to go along that path on your own because every kid is different; every situation is different. Me and my wife are different, but at the same time we’re the same. I’m gone a lot, so she is the boss of the household; she’s the rule-setter. It’s hard for me to go on the road for two and half weeks and then come home and tell my kids, ‘Look, this is how it should be done’ when she’s been home every day.”

“Yeah,” says Savannah, laughing again, “don’t come home throwing monkey wrenches in the operation! But yes—we have that understanding.”

The couple were married back in September of 2013, but were already dating each other since their high school days, and have two sons in LeBron Jr., Bryce Maximus, along with the youngest member of the James household, three-year-old daughter Zhuri. Even with The King being on the road most of the time during the season, he remains a hands-on dad and makes it a point to be with his family during important events.

Now in the offseason, it gives James more time to spend with them, and even have more interviews like this, discussing topics outside of basketball. His comments also show that he is just like a lot of fathers out there who try their best to discipline and raise their children well.